
Eastern Blades Hockey Club provides opportunities for children of all level of skills and experience to participate in junior hockey. Our junior teams are a vital component of our family-based club which has a strong focus on building friendships and enjoying the sport of hockey. Junior grades are based on a player's year at school and we currently have teams catering for schools years 5-10 as well as younger children in our Hook in 2 Hockey programme.

What category do I select to register my child?

Junior hockey in WA is organised based on school years. Kindy - Year 4 is Hook in2 Hockey or "sub-juniors", and Years 5-12 are classed as "Juniors". We have further split our Hook in 2 Hockey into 3 age groups; Joeys (Kindy and PP); Wallabies (Year 1 and 2) and Kangaroos (Year 3 and 4). If you want your child to play in a higher age group; please email juniors@easternbladeshc.org to confirm how to do this.

School Year     What to select at registration    Age Group Name
Kindy or Pre-Primary     Hook in 2 Hockey Joeys
Year 1 or 2 Hook in 2 Hockey Wallabies
Year 3 or 4 Hook in 2 Hockey Kangaroos
Year 5 or 6 J5/6 Registration 5/6s
Year 7 or 8 J5/6 Registration  7/8s
Year 9 or 10 J9/10 Registration  9/10s
Year 11 or 12 J11/12 Registration 11/12s


Hook in2 Hockey
Our Hook in2 Hockey program is designed to provide basic hockey skills and instil a love of the game in players between the ages of 3 and 9, and provide a pathway into our junior program.

Our program runs for 15 weeks over Terms 2 and 3, on Saturday mornings at Dayton District Open Space in Dayton. Register for 2025 Hook in2 Hockey here.

Junior Hockey
For kids in years 5 onwards at school, our program involves both training and games. Training typically occurs on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 at Dayton District Open Space and games occur on Friday evenings for Years 11-12, Saturday mornings for Years 5-8, and Sunday mornings for years 9-10. 

The club relies on volunteers and appreciates the involvement and support of parents at every level from administration, coaching and umpiring to canteen duty.​

If you would like more information on playing junior hockey at Blades, please contact our Junior Coordinator, Kate at juniors@easternbladeshc.org 

New and Interested Players

Please complete this form and the relevant team contact will be in touch.

Junior Code of Conduct

We are a Kidsport Club! 

Do you have a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card for your child? KidSport helps eligible children aged 5-18 years with a concession card to cover the cost of club fees or swimming lessons. With vouchers increasing to $300 per eligible child per financial year there's no better time to follow the simple steps to apply!

Find out more and apply at www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/kidsport

KidSport is delivered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries in partnership with local governments throughout Western Australia.




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